台灣社會住宅運動 國際接軌---居住正義與社會包容--- 2011社會住宅國際研討會

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09:30 媒體接待 10:00-10:30 研討會開幕式 --社會住宅推動聯盟召集人陳美鈴致詞 --台灣大學城鄉研究所所長黃麗玲致詞 --內政部長江宜樺致詞

10:30- 11:00 研討會開始


自「社會住宅推動聯盟」(以下簡稱「住盟」) 成立以來,針對住宅政策及居住權利多所分析及建言,不僅掀起住宅權利運動,一年來,更影響從中央到地方政府提出各式主張及政策。然是否符合居住正義?當面對居民抗爭,政府又應如何因應?都還沒有具體方案。此次研討會邀請了美國、德國、丹麥、荷蘭及鄰近的日本、韓國共12位專家,分享他們的先進經驗。這是台灣第一次最大規模的社會住宅國際研討會,當天也是聯合國一年一度世界人居日,象徵台灣社會住宅運動與國際接軌,並向在地扎根。會場共250個座位,總計約400位報名,各界反應熱烈。

住盟同時針對台灣居住現況提出大會共同宣言,並做成一面宣言牆 (含中英文),邀請各界簽署。敬邀採訪報導。

社會住宅國際研討會 開幕式暨記者會


地點:臺大醫院國際會議中心301室 (台北市徐州路2號)




研討會議程 Conference Agenda 2011/10/3

Day1 10/3 ( 一) 台大醫院國際會議中心301 會議室

(Mon) Room 301, NTUH International Convention Center

09:20-10:00 報到 Registration

10:00-10:30 開幕式 Opening Ceremony

.主辦單位致詞 Welcome Addresses by the Organizing Committee

陳美鈴 (Chen, Mei-ling)


Chair, Social Housing Advocacy Consortium

黃麗玲 (Huang, Li-ling)


Associate Professor and Director, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University


Opening Address by Minister Jiang, Yi-huah, Ministry of the Interior


Introducing the Panelists

10:30-12:00 專題演講 Keynote Speech

.主持人 Moderator

江宜樺 (Jiang, Yi-huah)

內政部長 Minister, Ministry of the Interior

.引言 Introductory Speech

華昌宜 (Hua, Chang-i)

財團法人國土規劃及不動產資訊中心 資深研究員

Senior Researcher, Institute for Physical Planning and Information


Wandering in the Wilderness Forty Years–A Review of Government Subsidy Programs and the Housing Situation in Taiwan

.專題演講 Keynote Speech

Sandra Henriquez


Assistant Secretary of Public and Indian Housing for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)


U.S. Experience with Rental Assistance That Might be Helpful for Taiwan17

12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch

13:30-15:00 主題一:社會住宅推動模式的比較觀點 (I)

Session 1: Comparative Perspectives on Facilitation and Implementation Models of Social Housing (I)

.主持人 Moderator

夏鑄九 (Hsia, Chu-joe)


Professor, Graduate Institute of Building and Planning, National Taiwan University

.講者 Panelists

Thomas Knorr-Siedow



Lecturer, Department of Urban and Regional Development, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Germany; Coordinator of Working Group at European Network for Housing Research (ENHR)


Social Housing Trends in Germany and Europe–between Marginalization and a New Wave of Bottom Up Initiative

.講者 Panelists

Jeroen van der Veer


Policy Advisor and Vice Director at the Amsterdam Federation of Housing Associations


The Role and History of Housing Associations in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

15:00-15:20 休息 Refreshments

15:20-17:20 主題二:住宅補貼與財務機制

Session 2: Housing Subsidy and Financial Mechanism

.主持人 Moderator

張金鶚 (Chang, Chin-oh)


Professor, Department of Land Economics, National Chengchi University

.講者 Panelists

Rolf Novy-Huy

德國非營利基金會Stiftung trias 執行長

Director of Stiftung trias, Non-profit Foundation for Land, Ecology, and Cooperative Housing


Housing in Germany: From Self-Help to Social Housing to Community-Oriented Housing

.講者 Panelists

Lex Pouw

荷蘭阿姆斯特丹住宅協會Ymere 董事會前主席

Former President of the Board of Ymere, Amsterdam

講題:荷蘭的住宅:政府當局與市場推手的共同事務。Ymere 的目標、策略與成果

Housing in the Netherlands: a Matter for Public Authorities and Market Players. Goals, Strategy and Performance of Ymere

.講者 Panelists

Jon Gresley

美國加州奧克蘭住宅委員會前執行長 (1999-2010)

Retired Executive Director of Oakland Housing Authority (1999-2010)

講題:美國Section 8 住宅援助計畫—創造低收入家庭可負擔的私人出租住宅

The Section 8 Housing Assistance Program–A program of the United States of America, Making Private Rental Housing Affordable to Low-Income Families.

研討會議程 Conference Agenda 2011/10/4

Day 2 10/4 ( 二) 台大醫院國際會議中心401 會議室

(Tue.) Room 401, NTUH International Convention Center

08:30-9:00 報到 Registration

9:00-10:30 主題三:社會住宅推動模式的比較觀點 (II)

Session 3: Comparative Perspectives on Facilitation and Implementation Models of Social Housing (II)

.主持人 Moderator

徐進鈺 (Hsu, Jinn-yuh)


Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University

.講者 Panelists

Hans Thor Andersen

丹麥奧爾堡大學丹麥建築研究中心 (SBi) 研究主任

Director of Research, Danish Building Research Institute (SBi), Aalborg University, Copenhagen


Non-Profit Housing in Denmark

.講者 Panelists

Kim, Soo-hyun ( 金秀顯)


Associate Professor at Graduate School of Urban and Real Estate, Sejong University, Seoul;

Former Vice Minister of Environment, Korea


Belated but Grand?: The Future of Public Rental Housing in Korea

10:30-10:50 休息 Refreshments

10:50-12:20 主題四:社會住宅營造模式

Session 4: Planning, Design, and Building of Social Housing

.主持人 Moderator

許志堅 (Hsu, Chih-chien)


Deputy Mayor, New Taipei City

.講者 Panelists

Michael Pyatok, FAIA

美國Pyatok 建築師事務所主持人;華盛頓大學建築系榮譽教授

Principal, Pyatok Architects, Inc.

Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, Department of Architecture


Mixed-Income Housing: Social Integration or Cultural Hegemony?

.講者 Panelists

Michael LaFond

德國柏林創造性永續協會id22 執行長

Director of id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability in Berlin


CoHousing Cultures are the Future of Social Housing: Planning, Designing and Managing Projects in Berlin and Europe

12:20-13:30 午餐 Lunch

13:30-15:00 主題五:社會住宅經營管理與照顧方案

Session 5: Social Housing Management and Care-Taking Programs

.主持人 Moderator

林萬億 (Lin, Wan-i)


Professor, Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University

.講者 Panelists

Jeremy Liu

美國奧克蘭東灣亞裔地方發展公司 (EBALDC) 執行長

Executive Director of East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) in Oakland, California.

講題:做為社區發展策略的社會住宅/ 公共住宅管理

The Management of Social Housing/Public Housing as a Community Development Strategy

.講者 Panelists

Toshio Mizuuchi ( 水內俊雄)


Professor and Vice Director of Urban Research Plaza, Osaka City University


The Current Status and Possibilities for Japanese-Style "Social Housing" Learning from Assistance for Escaping Homelessness: the Post-Homeless Self-Support Assistance Law Era and a National Minimum for Housing

