抗議伊朗政府拘禁獨立工會領袖 鎮壓和平示威
要求伊朗政府尊重人權 建立民主制度

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6月26日,國際職工盟(ITUC)、國際教師工會(EI)、國際運輸勞聯(ITF)及國際食品勞聯(IUF)等國際工會組織發起一年一度的全球行動日—「伊朗工人公義運動」(Justice For Iranian Workers),各地工會向當地伊朗領事館抗議打壓勞工運動及拘禁獨立工運人士。

伊朗當局過去不斷打壓獨立工會運動,包括無理拘禁2005年成立的獨立工會「巴士司機工會」(Tehran Bus Workers' Union)主席 Mansour Osanloo。Osanloo過去因為籌組獨立工會而被多次拘禁,最近在2007年7月被拘禁一直至今,期間飽受虐待及毆打,導致一隻眼睛幾近失明。另外,教師工會一位活躍成員Farzad Kamangar去年更被當局判處死刑,其後在國際工會組織多方抗議及聲援下,伊朗當局暫時仍未執行,但Farzad Kamangar繼續被囚禁。

此外,今年五一勞動節前夕,伊朗當局更大力打壓多個籌備遊行的獨立工會,並且大肆搜捕獨立工運人士。有關詳情可參考網頁 http://www.justiceforiranianworkers.org/



日 期﹕2009年6月26日(星期五)

時 間﹕上午11時正



Urgent Action

Protest against the Denial of Labour Rights &

The Bloody Crackdown of Peaceful Demonstrations in Iran

The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU) is calling for your support on the Worldwide Action Day, June 26, to demand justice for Iranian workers. The protest is organized by four global union organizations (ITUC, ITF, IUF and EI) and will take place outside the Iranian Embassies and Consulates to protest the ongoing denial of rights and the arrests of trade unionists within the country. We will demand the immediate and unconditional release of all imprisoned trade unionists, the unconditional recognition of all independent workers’ organizations in Iran, and the reinstatement of workers who have been disadvantaged as a result of their support for these organizations. (www.justiceforiranianworkers.org)

Recently, there was a magnificent demonstration of millions of people of all age, gender, national, and religious groups in Iran demanding the reorganization of their basic human rights, particularly the right to freedom of choice without deception. The Iranian Government has responded to the people’s request with bloody crackdowns. The HKCTU condemns this violent suppression and calls for the respect of human right and the instatement of a democratic system for Iran.

In hopes for freedom and equality for all the workers and people in Iran, HKCTU asks for your support and participation during these urgent times. Details for the demonstration are as follows:

Date: 26th June, 2009 (Fri)

Time: 11:00 am

Venue: G/F, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (Old Wing), Habour Road [Opposite to the fire station], then go to the Iranian Embassy in the Rm 2402 in the Centre

Contact Person: Vincent Sung

